Improve Your Lawn Health with Specialized Lawn Treatments

Our lawns take a beating throughout the seasons, from intense heat and draughts in summer to freezing snow and ice all winter. After a while, the health of your property’s green spaces will start to decline, leaving you with brown and dying grass or, worse bald spots in your turf, but help is still available from the experts at Andy’s Lawn Care in Cedar Rapids, IA. Our team will perform specialized lawn treatments based on your property’s needs. Call 563-920-4254 to discuss scheduling an appointment today.

Lawn Aeration Treatments

When looking at common problems property owners experience with their lawns, soil compaction is one of the biggest offenders. When the topsoil on your property gets tightly packed together, it not only crushes the roots inhibiting their growth, but it can also stop water, air, and other nutrients from circulating into the soil, depriving the grass of food. Our team can help by aerating the green spaces around your property, breaking up the soil, and allowing your lawn the room and essentials needed for healthy growth.

Lawn Fertilization 

Have you always wondered why your neighbor’s lawn is so green and lush year after year while yours is patchy or full of weeds? The secret is fertilizer. While our lawns get a lot of what they need to survive from the environment around them, years of constant usage have left the soil depleted and unable to keep up with the needs of your lawn. To combat this, our team has developed customized fertilization treatments to return your soil to a healthy state, giving your grass everything it needs to grow faster, greener, and with fewer weeds.

Seasonal Thatching

Does this sound familiar? Year after year, you mow your grass, leaving clippings across your lawn in hopes that the added material with help return nutrients to the ground. While this is a beneficial practice for your yard, too much of a good thing often does more harm than good. When the thatch layer on your property gets too thick, call on the professionals to remove the excess material without causing damage to your lawn’s root system.

Call 563-920-4254 now – we can help with any job, big or small.

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